Create social clips from your podcast with AI

Edit your podcast videos in a powerful video editing platform, create social media clips with AI, and keep track of all your episodes with a centralized place to store your videos.

Edit your podcast videos in a powerful video editing platform, create social media clips with AI, and keep track of all your episodes with a centralized place to store your videos.

Upload your content

Import your content to Scenery from wherever it lives — whether that's your local machine or existing cloud storage tools like Dropbox or Google Drive.

Import your content to Scenery from wherever it lives — whether that's your local machine or existing cloud storage tools like Dropbox or Google Drive.

Edit with precision

Create exactly the video you want with a powerful timeline editor that lets you arrange multiple speakers and audio tracks side by side.

Create exactly the video you want with a powerful timeline editor that lets you arrange multiple speakers and audio tracks side by side.

Fine tune audio

Precisely adjust your video's audio with keyframes to adjust the volume up and down at every moment and perfect your podcast's sound levels.

Precisely adjust your video's audio with keyframes to adjust the volume up and down at every moment and perfect your podcast's sound levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I manage create and edit tracks for multiple speakers?

Absolutely. Scenery's powerful editor supports as many tracks as you need, so you can edit your video to switch back and forth between multiple speakers and layer on additional effects like titles, graphics, or anything else you need.

Can I create and save my podcast's brand colors, fonts, animations and more?

Yes you can! You can create your own Brand Kit in Scenery to reuse brand elements like speaker titles, captions,

Can I add captions to my videos?

Very easily. We'll generate transcripts for your content in a click (in 21 different languages!), and you can add captions and customize them to whatever style you want.

Can I use Scenery to generate clips for social media?

Yes! Our AI Editor lets you quickly generate clips for social media, and we'll automatically reframe the speaker's face to be at the center of the clip.

Get started for free

Sign up today to try Scenery out for your podcast's video projects.

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